Sunday 23 September 2012

A Note to Readers

The idea of dragons has fascinated human kind for a very, very long time. They have been the subject of myth and fable for thousands of years, they are the heroes and the villains of stories from every corner of the globe, they are an embodiment of power, fear, and magic. They have taken up residence in the Orient and in Americas, from the horn of Africa to the very northernmost reaches of Scandinavia. Some are wise, some are cunning. None of them are creatures to be trifled with.

Information on dragons can be hard to come by, and that's what this blag is here for I guess. I've done (and will be doing) my utmost to provide a comprehensive, interesting compendium of dragon lore and physiology, in an effort to make what is esoteric a bit less so.

Also the chance to exercise my fairly large vocabulary in unnecessarily pretentious prose is just too good an opportunity to allow to pass me by. Especially if I get to create art to accompany it.

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